Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Today's Miracle

Today we were given the tender mercy of witnessing our own miracle. As of this afternoon it has been confirmed that there are NO SIGNS OF PLACENTA ACCRETA!!! I can't begin to describe the emotions that have surfaced throughout the day and the gratitude that I have for the power of the priesthood, priesthood blessings,  prayers & fasting.

Last night close to midnight we received a most welcome visit from my doctor.  She gave us  a brief run down of how today would play out and the possible scenarios of what could come into play with the outcome of the ultra sound and consultation with the specialist.  She confirmed that I would be here for sure until Sunday if I wasn't sent to the Swedish Medical Center.  Her visit left us feeling once again calm and knowing that all was being done to protect Brooklyn and I.

This morning our day started bright and early once again with meds and Brooklyn being monitored.  Everything is looking and sounding great. The rest of the morning was quiet while we awaited our appointment.  When it was time to go they brought me in a wheel chair and off we went to the Maternal Fetal Medicine Clinic for much needed answers.

Once we were checked in I was relieved to be called back by the same ultra sound technician that I had had months ago during my first trimester.  The first place they went was to the placenta to see if they could locate the area of concern.  After much searching they were confused by the fact that they couldn't see anything concerning.  At this point they pulled the doctor into the room so that he could see it "live time" for himself.  He confirmed that what he was seeing was a full placenta previa, a very healthy placenta, but no signs of Accreta.  (Evidently when someone has Accreta the placenta is very worn out and has a tattered look to it).  The technician continued on to take measurements Brooklyn and of the amniotic fluid.  Upon finishing the ultra sound we would head into the consultation room and there we met with the doctor who officially ruled Placenta Accreta out and confirmed that I won't be needing to transfer to a different hospital. YAY!!!  He did confirm that I still have a full Placenta Previa, which is still covering the placenta.  This will still require a c-section, and I'm still at risk for hemorrhaging.  However the likelyhood of a hysterectomy is very slim.  He did note however that I do have a large blood vessel that is abnormal and that will need to watched carefully during delivery. He thinks that this blood vessel may have been the cause for the hemmoraging on Sunday.  He will pass on his findings to my doctor and she will take it from here.

For now we are very relieved to say the least.  We know that Heavenly Father has had his hand in all of this and that through the prayers & fasting of many our Heavenly Father has heard and listened to us and the pleas of our hearts have been in alignment with His will.  I know that we are not "out of the woods" just yet, however He has just made a pretty big clearing.   For many reasons known and unknown we have been asked to walk through this storm at this point in our lives, it's hasn't been easy, but it has confirmed to me that Brooklyn needs to be here and we as her parents will do whatever it takes to get her here so that she can meet the measure of her creation.  We are so grateful for each of you near and far who have held us in your thoughts and prayers.  We have been carried by them and sustained through them.  Thank you so much.  Your sweet words of encouragement and love have been heard loud and clear and have given us the support we have needed and will continue to need until Brooklyn is safe in our arms.

I will continue my hospital stay for now until at least Sunday so that they can continue to monitor Brooklyn, my contractions and to make sure I don't start bleeding again.  Tomorrow we will have the opportunity to talk with my doctor again and decide what the plan will be from here on out.

But as for now this Momma and Papa will sleep a little more at ease tonight!