Monday, July 15, 2013

A Change In Plans

Our day started out bright and early this morning at 6am.  Monitoring Brooklyn was on the top of the priority list.   Every 4 hours she is monitored to make sure that she is a happy camper.  So far so good. She's been a little trooper.  I love hearing her heart beat and I can't help but smile when she gets the hiccups.  Getting to hear them and feel them at that same time brings a huge smile to this momma's face.

I took a shower today....for those of you who know me well know that this is a pretty big deal.  Not that I'm opposed to showering but for the last 4 months it requires every bit of energy that I have.  So needless to say I only take them every 3-4 days...too much information? Oh well!!!  It will help you understand why it was so monumental today.  It was of course great, but the side effects were awful.  I was so sick afterwards. 

 My doctor stopped in around 8:30.  (Can I just say how great she is.  It was a huge relief just seeing her here.  I've been one of patients for almost 12 years.)  She mentioned that she the had talked with the Maternal Fetal Medicine Clinic and that more than likely we would be seen tomorrow.  The concern with being seen today is that it I could run the risk of bleeding again by getting up too soon.  After the shower the contractions kicked in, and this is the last thing we need right now.  So we will give my body a little bit more time to recover from yesterday.  She also mentioned that she was in the process of getting me a different room closer to the operation room, seeing that I wouldn't be laboring and delivering in a L&D room.  She isn't sure for now, but depending on the results of the ultra sound tomorrow I may just stay here at the hospital until it's time for delivery. 

At around 10am I received the second dose of steroids and also the Rhogam shot for being RH negative, and have had blood drawn for additional tests.  My kids always get a Happy Meal when they get shots, I think I deserve hips are sore to say the least :).

Other than that it's been a quiet day.  We just received word that we are scheduled to have the ultra sound tomorrow at 12:45.  Between the ultra sound and the consultation it will take about 2 hours.  I will be seen by the same doctor that I would've been seen by at the Swedish Perinatal Clinic.  So for now I'm guessing that I will stay here at Valley Medical instead of going to Swedish Hospital.  But that could change, just like everything else has.


  1. Natalie, I just read your July posts I am so sorry to hear all that you are going through. I love your sweet testimony and I admire you faith. You will be in my thoughts and Prayers. I know Heavenly Father is there for you.

  2. Love you so much sister! Wish I could be there hanging out at the hospital with you. You are a trooper!

  3. You really are a trooper! As part of the no shower club I have to say thought that you might have brought some of those things upon yourself ;) buuuut you really do deserve a happy meal! and if daniel doesn't get you one I will do it myself on thursday. love you!
