Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Be Still

Throughout this pregnancy there has been a constant theme presented in priesthood blessings and scripture study, which is "Be still, and know that I am God."     This has been a blessing and learning curve all at the same time.  Laying down day after day for the last 16 weeks has allowed me the opportunity to slow down and reflect upon what matters most.  I've been able to reflect upon my role as a mother, daughter & wife, my relationships with those around me,  read scriptures & conference talks, play endless games of Candy Crush, sleep, cry, and one of my most favorite past times has been the on going conversation that I have been blessed to have with all of my siblings through Facebook messaging.  Sounds like a dream right?  Every mom's wish, to get a break from it all!  It's been nice, but it has also come with it's moments of feeling useless and wanting so much to have that feeling of accomplishment.  And yet I've also been given tender moments of realizing how much I do in my role as a mother & wife.  I've learned that as I am still, I am able to hear and understand the will of my Heavenly Father.  My testimony has been strengthened of His unconditional love for me.  I've learned that I need not be so hard on myself.  I've learned that there are some things that I stress over way too much, and that there are other things that need more of my attention.  I know that there is still more Heavenly Father is wanting me to learn, and in time those lessons will be learned.  Thankfully I still have today to learn them.

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