Wednesday, July 31, 2013


My father-in-law used to always say...

"Every day is a good day, some are just better than others."

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Party Is Scheduled

The party has officially been scheduled!!!
Well actually, some call it a C-section, however due to 
calming this mom's nerves 
we are calling it a 
"Birth Day Party!!!"
The party will take place on 
Tuesday, August 6, 2013!!!
Nothing personal, but the guest list will be short...very short.
Those invited are Brooklyn, Mom, Dad,
my doctor, her team, my nurses and Brooklyn's nurses and doctor.
11 DAYS to go!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

A Visitor & Italian Food

  Every day three times a day the nurses come in and place  monitors on me for an hour to  get a good tracking of Brooklyn (they are watching her heartbeat).'s an hour if they can get a good tracking, otherwise I stay on the monitor until the nurse or doctor are pleased with what they see. Well leave it to my uterus to have an overly generous amount of amniotic fluid that provides Brooklyn the perfect setting to practice her synchronized swimming moves.  She loves to move.  Who can blame her she has a swimming pool to swim around in.  However, this causes great stress to every nurse that enters my room and tries to monitor her.  This morning's monitoring lasted almost 2 1/2 hours.  Finally my doctor came in and ordered an ultra sound that would track her within minutes and give them the information they needed.  (When this is done the baby is given a score, pleased to say Brooklyn scored 8 out of 8.)  After being on bed rest since the middle of March I'm officially ready for this party to be over.  I KIT (kept it together as my sister would say) and held back the tears. Thankfully my dear friend Shelby showed up at the end of the monitoring.  Her timing could not of been more perfect.  She was a much needed distraction from the mornings events.  Not only did she bring me her hilarious life stories, but she brought the sweetest gifts.  One of them being this outfit...
Brooklyn is going to have the cutest little Cupcake Bum ever!!!

After having this replaced again, but this time by one of my favorite nurses, Michelle (she is also LDS, so we have lots to talk about!  Her daughter and I are in the same Stake)...
My dear husband brought me this...
to end my day.

Monday, July 22, 2013

A Pin Cushion & Flowers

I've officially become a pin cushion.  Now granted it's my own fault seeing that my veins do not like to cooperate when it comes to sharp objects being inserted into them.  They have to change out my IV every 3-4 days.  Today was the day and it only took 3 tries!  2 blown out veins equals one extremely swollen bruised hand.  And not to mention a lovely shot in the arm. But no worries when one of my husbands co-workers showed up with these  & a sweet card from his department...
Everything was instantly better! ;)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Home Sweet Home

My doctor made it official, I will be staying here at the hospital until it's time to deliver Brooklyn.  The plan is to schedule the C-section for when I am 36 weeks, which will be around August 6th. There are still too many risk factors to send me home. So hopefully all will be quiet until then.  Two more weeks...I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Iron Woman

Today they gave me a dose of iron to boost my iron levels in preparation for the C-section.  It will hopefully help in not needing a blood transfusion after the delivery.  The nurse diluted the solution so that it wouldn't be as painful going in.  It looked beyond nasty, but thankfully didn't hurt.  Some things you have to see to believe.  Just call me "Iron Woman"!
That was enough excitement for one day.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

A New Doctor & Nurse

Today began with a visit from Dr. Reed and Nurse Reed from the "Inspired Doers Hospital".  Dr Reed said he would be my new "OBYN" doctor...meaning "OH BOY YOUR NICE" doctor.  They came bearing gifts of flowers and a basket full of kindness.  Dressed to the hilt in their doctor aparrel they were a much needed visit filled with love and laughter.

Later on this afternoon my younger sister Megan came to be with me.  She cracks me up with all of her stories and adventures that she has in Boston.

Overall a quiet day, no news is good news!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My Favorite Visitors

Today was filled with additional monitoring of contractions and Brooklyn.  So far so good.  Overall it's been a quiet day.  My doctor came in this morning to discuss the results of yesterday's ultra sound and to let us know that due to a larger than normal amount of amniotic fluid I will stay here in the hospital until I deliver.  The extra amount of fluid is putting additional stress on my uterus and is causing me to contract more, which just adds to our already high risk pregnancy.  The more contractions I have the greater chance I have of bleeding.  At this point we will be scheduled to deliver Brooklyn at 36 weeks.

Later this evening Danial brought the kids in.  It was quite the visit.  They brought in dinner & pie.  We then watched a couple of movies.  It was wonderful having all of my kids and husband in the same room again.   After they left they headed to the airport to pick up Aunt Megan.  The kids had no idea she was surprise ever!!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Today's Miracle

Today we were given the tender mercy of witnessing our own miracle. As of this afternoon it has been confirmed that there are NO SIGNS OF PLACENTA ACCRETA!!! I can't begin to describe the emotions that have surfaced throughout the day and the gratitude that I have for the power of the priesthood, priesthood blessings,  prayers & fasting.

Last night close to midnight we received a most welcome visit from my doctor.  She gave us  a brief run down of how today would play out and the possible scenarios of what could come into play with the outcome of the ultra sound and consultation with the specialist.  She confirmed that I would be here for sure until Sunday if I wasn't sent to the Swedish Medical Center.  Her visit left us feeling once again calm and knowing that all was being done to protect Brooklyn and I.

This morning our day started bright and early once again with meds and Brooklyn being monitored.  Everything is looking and sounding great. The rest of the morning was quiet while we awaited our appointment.  When it was time to go they brought me in a wheel chair and off we went to the Maternal Fetal Medicine Clinic for much needed answers.

Once we were checked in I was relieved to be called back by the same ultra sound technician that I had had months ago during my first trimester.  The first place they went was to the placenta to see if they could locate the area of concern.  After much searching they were confused by the fact that they couldn't see anything concerning.  At this point they pulled the doctor into the room so that he could see it "live time" for himself.  He confirmed that what he was seeing was a full placenta previa, a very healthy placenta, but no signs of Accreta.  (Evidently when someone has Accreta the placenta is very worn out and has a tattered look to it).  The technician continued on to take measurements Brooklyn and of the amniotic fluid.  Upon finishing the ultra sound we would head into the consultation room and there we met with the doctor who officially ruled Placenta Accreta out and confirmed that I won't be needing to transfer to a different hospital. YAY!!!  He did confirm that I still have a full Placenta Previa, which is still covering the placenta.  This will still require a c-section, and I'm still at risk for hemorrhaging.  However the likelyhood of a hysterectomy is very slim.  He did note however that I do have a large blood vessel that is abnormal and that will need to watched carefully during delivery. He thinks that this blood vessel may have been the cause for the hemmoraging on Sunday.  He will pass on his findings to my doctor and she will take it from here.

For now we are very relieved to say the least.  We know that Heavenly Father has had his hand in all of this and that through the prayers & fasting of many our Heavenly Father has heard and listened to us and the pleas of our hearts have been in alignment with His will.  I know that we are not "out of the woods" just yet, however He has just made a pretty big clearing.   For many reasons known and unknown we have been asked to walk through this storm at this point in our lives, it's hasn't been easy, but it has confirmed to me that Brooklyn needs to be here and we as her parents will do whatever it takes to get her here so that she can meet the measure of her creation.  We are so grateful for each of you near and far who have held us in your thoughts and prayers.  We have been carried by them and sustained through them.  Thank you so much.  Your sweet words of encouragement and love have been heard loud and clear and have given us the support we have needed and will continue to need until Brooklyn is safe in our arms.

I will continue my hospital stay for now until at least Sunday so that they can continue to monitor Brooklyn, my contractions and to make sure I don't start bleeding again.  Tomorrow we will have the opportunity to talk with my doctor again and decide what the plan will be from here on out.

But as for now this Momma and Papa will sleep a little more at ease tonight!

Monday, July 15, 2013

A Change In Plans

Our day started out bright and early this morning at 6am.  Monitoring Brooklyn was on the top of the priority list.   Every 4 hours she is monitored to make sure that she is a happy camper.  So far so good. She's been a little trooper.  I love hearing her heart beat and I can't help but smile when she gets the hiccups.  Getting to hear them and feel them at that same time brings a huge smile to this momma's face.

I took a shower today....for those of you who know me well know that this is a pretty big deal.  Not that I'm opposed to showering but for the last 4 months it requires every bit of energy that I have.  So needless to say I only take them every 3-4 days...too much information? Oh well!!!  It will help you understand why it was so monumental today.  It was of course great, but the side effects were awful.  I was so sick afterwards. 

 My doctor stopped in around 8:30.  (Can I just say how great she is.  It was a huge relief just seeing her here.  I've been one of patients for almost 12 years.)  She mentioned that she the had talked with the Maternal Fetal Medicine Clinic and that more than likely we would be seen tomorrow.  The concern with being seen today is that it I could run the risk of bleeding again by getting up too soon.  After the shower the contractions kicked in, and this is the last thing we need right now.  So we will give my body a little bit more time to recover from yesterday.  She also mentioned that she was in the process of getting me a different room closer to the operation room, seeing that I wouldn't be laboring and delivering in a L&D room.  She isn't sure for now, but depending on the results of the ultra sound tomorrow I may just stay here at the hospital until it's time for delivery. 

At around 10am I received the second dose of steroids and also the Rhogam shot for being RH negative, and have had blood drawn for additional tests.  My kids always get a Happy Meal when they get shots, I think I deserve hips are sore to say the least :).

Other than that it's been a quiet day.  We just received word that we are scheduled to have the ultra sound tomorrow at 12:45.  Between the ultra sound and the consultation it will take about 2 hours.  I will be seen by the same doctor that I would've been seen by at the Swedish Perinatal Clinic.  So for now I'm guessing that I will stay here at Valley Medical instead of going to Swedish Hospital.  But that could change, just like everything else has.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Lights, Sirens, Action

For the last few days I've been counting down the hours and minutes till Monday would get here, knowing that it would come with answers.   Tomorrow was going to be the "Big Day".  Well evidently today wanted to be a "Big Day" too.  When I woke this morning at 5:30 to take my meds all was well and I went back to bed.  When I woke again at 7:50 to go to the bathroom,  I had started to bleed.  I tried to "KIT" as my sister would say (Keep It Together) and quickly went to wake up Danial and my parents.

It was decided that it was best because we weren't sure of how bad things were that I should go by ambulance.  Danial called 911 and within less than 2 minutes we had 2 medics and 2 fire firefighters standing in our living room assessing the situation.  We got  me positioned on the gurney and off we went to Valley Medical Center.

In route I was able to get a hold of my Dr. and fill her in of what was happening.  She then called the hospital to let the on call Dr. know of the situation.  When I arrived they were ready for the worst and had everything prepped just in case.  Thankfully after doing their own assessment it was determined that the bleeding had stopped and that I was stable.  They got me hooked up to the monitors to make sure that Brooklyn was doing ok.  The ultra sound and the monitor both showed that she was doing great.   Huge sigh of relief for this mom.  They decided that it was best to start the steroids to speed up her lung develop.

For the rest of the day it has been pretty quiet.   I have been admitted and will for sure stay overnight so that they can continue to monitor both of us.  I will be seen by my doctor first thing tomorrow morning and a new game plan will be put into place.

The thought "Be Still" has continued to come to me throughout today.  What could have been extremely overwhelming has been accompanied with an overwhelming sense of peace and comfort once again.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Today's Appointment

Today I went in for my 32 week appointment.  Amniotic fluid is great, placenta hasn't moved, cervix is closed and tight, her heart beat is great, her lungs looked really good, and the placenta still appears to be abnormally attached.

So the plan is on Monday Danial & I will go see the specialists at the Swedish Maternal Fetal Medicine Clinic in Seattle.   IF they confirm that is it Placenta Accreta (being too deeply attached into the uterine wall) I could be admitted that day to Swedish Medical Center (hospital). Where I will be monitored for the next week and will then be scheduled for a c-section delivery the following week. By this time I will be in my 34th week. This is a more specialized hospital, they have a great size blood bank to pull from and Dr.s who are very familiar with this condition. If it is attached too deeply they will perform a hysterectomy.

 My Dr. explained that had this been diagnosed earlier Swedish Hospital would have had me admitted at 32 weeks anyway (which was yesterday) and they would have still aimed for delivery at 34 weeks. She went on to say how blessed I've been in my situation. The fact that I had Placenta Previa allowed for me to be on the medication & bed rest that allowed for me to be monitored weekly, which allowed them to watch my cervix & placenta more closely, which is how they discovered the condition. Otherwise it would have been a surprise at delivery and they wouldn't have been prepared.  When I look back over all that has happened it is so clear to see that this pregnancy has been guided & protected.

The rest of the week will be filled with celebrating next weeks birthday's, packing a hospital bag, and delegating out assignments for everything that will need to be done just in case I am hospitalized.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Be Still

Throughout this pregnancy there has been a constant theme presented in priesthood blessings and scripture study, which is "Be still, and know that I am God."     This has been a blessing and learning curve all at the same time.  Laying down day after day for the last 16 weeks has allowed me the opportunity to slow down and reflect upon what matters most.  I've been able to reflect upon my role as a mother, daughter & wife, my relationships with those around me,  read scriptures & conference talks, play endless games of Candy Crush, sleep, cry, and one of my most favorite past times has been the on going conversation that I have been blessed to have with all of my siblings through Facebook messaging.  Sounds like a dream right?  Every mom's wish, to get a break from it all!  It's been nice, but it has also come with it's moments of feeling useless and wanting so much to have that feeling of accomplishment.  And yet I've also been given tender moments of realizing how much I do in my role as a mother & wife.  I've learned that as I am still, I am able to hear and understand the will of my Heavenly Father.  My testimony has been strengthened of His unconditional love for me.  I've learned that I need not be so hard on myself.  I've learned that there are some things that I stress over way too much, and that there are other things that need more of my attention.  I know that there is still more Heavenly Father is wanting me to learn, and in time those lessons will be learned.  Thankfully I still have today to learn them.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Prayers, Fasting & A Priesthood Blessing

Today many family members and friends near and far have joined in Fasting and prayer. I feel as though the windows of heaven have been opened up in mine & Brooklyn's behalf, it has brought about a great feeling of peace and calmness.

 After church this afternoon we had 7 brethren from our ward come to assist in giving a Priesthood Blessing. Men who have played an important role in our lives since moving here to Sumner. They each hold a special place in my heart. Simply put the blessings were beautifully guided by the spirit. They first gathered in a circle to give Danial a blessing and  Dad officiated.  Then it was my turn.  Danial officiated during mine. Both blessings were filled with counsel, promised blessings, explanations & words of comfort.  It was made very clear that Heavenly Father is aware of me & Brooklyn and will take care of me and my family, whether that is living in Christ or dying in Christ, it is all the same.

We feel at peace. Whatever is to take place will be His will and all will be okay. He will take care of us.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Telling the kids

This morning I called the Maternal Fetal Medicine Clinic to see if I could get the appointment scheduled for the ultra sound, however the Dr hadn't reviewed my file.  As soon as he does they will call with an appointment time.

Today was spent getting the house ready for Mom and Dad's arrival.  It has been a pretty calm day.
We finally told the kids this morning that they were coming.  At which point we also decided that it was time that they knew the severity of my situation.  We didn't sugar coat any of it.  We explained in detail the condition that I had and the risks of life that comes with it.  We showed them a news article of a mother in Utah who recently passed away due to complications from the exact conditions that I have.  She too was giving birth to her 6th child.  Up until now we have not felt it necessary to worry them with exact details of Placenta Previa, but now that we have  Placenta Accreta this changes everything because of the life threatening complications that come with it.

The kids are so excited to see Momma Jan and Papa Tom they can hardly stand it.  EmmaLee asks about every 5 minutes if they are here yet.  Tonight they will have a sleep over at Gramma Sharon's to help pass the time until my parents arrive.

The Dr. never did call back :(

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Phonecall

Yesterday was too emotional to talk to anyone but Danial.  I messaged my brothers, sisters and parents on Facebook and gave them a brief explanation of what we had learned.  This morning Danial took the kids to the 4th of July breakfast at the church.  During this time Mom and Dad called.  In the beginning of that conversation it was all I could do but cry and throughout, many tears were shed by all 3 of us.  For the next hour and a half we discussed all that was taking place, the great concern that was being felt, and what was needed.  Dad mentioned that they were willing to come up if that is what I would like. I held back in the moment not stating how badly I wanted them here.  I would later call Dad back and tell him how much it would mean to me if they were to come.  I needed them, both of them.  I later received a text stating that they would be on their way tomorrow afternoon (Friday) and they would be here Saturday.  Once again the tears came uncontrollably.

I have spent most of the day alone.  After Danial and the kids came back from the breakfast, they headed out for a bike ride, came home and decorated cookies to look like American flags, and then headed to our good friends house, the Ramsey's, for dinner and fireworks.  As much as I would have like to be a part of the festivities of the day,  I needed this time to be by myself and process all that was happening and could possibly happen.  Never have I been so grateful for bed rest.

I have continued to receive messages of love & concern from my siblings and was told that a family fast would take place this Sunday in mine and Brooklyn's behalf.  Just knowing that I am in their thoughts and prayers has been a great comfort.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Time To Share

Our adventure began on May 17, 2012 as personal revelation would come that there was another baby that needed to join our family, a boy, named Preston Thomas to be exact.  This shouldn't have come as a surprise seeing that we had been told 5 years prior on May 18, 2007 that we were to have a baby, that too would be a boy.  Heavenly Father knows more than we do and what is best for our family so we would begin our adventure again in preparing to welcome a 6th child into our family.

By December of 2012 I was beginning to give up hope that this baby would ever come.  It wouldn't be until a couple of days after Christmas 2012 that a pregnancy test came out positive.  As time went on the first trimester was filled with normal fatigue and the constant feeling of needing the family "throw up" bucket.  Thankfully, it was never used!  Around week 15 I started having contractions, which was kind of expected because of my last pregnancy, the same thing happened.  I was not alarmed until Friday, March 15th when the location and intensity of the contractions changed.   Danial just so happened to be out of town  for training and was in Atlanta waiting to get on the plane to come home when we discussed that I needed to head to the hospital.  Upon arriving at the hospital it was discovered that I had a full Placenta Previa.  A condition where the placenta covers the cervix.  I was placed on immediate bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy.  The risk that comes with Placenta Previa is the possibility of the placenta tearing away from the uterine wall and the chance of hemorrhaging.  Seeing that I was continually having contractions it put things at a higher probability of the placenta pulling away.  So for the last 4 months bed rest and medication has kept me & the baby safe.

On Tuesday April 9th, we were in shock as the ultra sound revealed that we would be having another girl.  Without question we silently understood that this meant there would be another pregnancy.  Knowing without a doubt that Preston would still need to come.  Life has continued to carry on.  Meals have been brought in by our dear ward family, family and friends have ran errands, taken kids to Dr. appointment and piano lessons.  Danial has taken on the role of Mr. Mom and the kids have stepped up their game!  All has seemed pretty quiet up until this last week.

   Over the last few months my placenta has decided that it likes where it's at and has not moved, which  because it is covering the cervix I'm not able to have a vaginal birth.  So I have been placed  on the list for a scheduled C-section in the middle of August.  When I went in today I was told that it appeared that the placenta had attached itself deeper into the uterus than what is normal, causing a condition called Placenta Accreta.  My Dr. saw it the week prior, but waited a week to say anything because she wanted to have another ultra sound performed to confirm what she saw and to make sure that the baby just hadn't been positioned in a way that was making it appear to be something that it wasn't.  Today as she looked at the results, not much had changed, confirming what she had seen.  Which would now require to bring in the specialists with the "big dog" ultra sound machines to determine  if & how severely it is attached.  At this point we are waiting on the Maternal Fetal Medicine Clinic to call us with an appointment.

From here we wait.  Many have asked out of concern why more isn't being done where this is a life threatening condition.  This is where I know that my Heavenly Father is aware of the situation at hand and is in control.  Placenta Accreta is typically not diagnosed until after delivery of the baby, when the placenta does not deliver on its own after roughly a 1/2 hour.  So the fact that my Dr. was able to see it, is a tender mercy in our behalf.  I have yet to experience any bleeding  (many women experience bleeding by 28 weeks, and I am currently about 32 weeks) I was already on bed rest and taking medication to stop contractions.  I'm being monitored by weekly ultra sounds and Dr. appointments.  I consider myself greatly blessed and know that I have received the utmost protection both spiritually and physically. I am beyond grateful for my sweet Dr.

Are we concerned?  Absolutely.  Depending on the severity of the attachment it could result in severe hemorrhaging which could lead to multiple blood transfusions, a hysterectomy and even possible death.  In this moment none of it makes sense.  We know that we are to have another baby, so I know that a way will be provided.  I just don't understand how.